Skill Development Programme

Non-Project Mode
  • Non-Project interventions under Utkarsh Bangla
  • CSR interventions
Project Mode
  • Project Mode under Utkarsh Bangla comprising intervention under state plan etc.
  • DDU-GKY & other CSSM scheme
  • CSR interventions
Recognition of Prior Learning
  • RPL Mode under Utkarsh Bangla
  • CSSM RPL intervention
  • CSR interventions
  1. Non-Project Mode: In this mode of skilling, depending on requirements of various departments PBSSD assigns batches to empaneled training providers. The training providers are assigned work orders for individual batches.
  2. Project Mode: The Private Training Providers identifies the trainees, sectors & locations (PBSSD empaneled training centers) and accordingly submit proposals to PBSSD to satisfy the overall annual target of a scheme. The Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) and Project Approval and Sanctioning Committee (PASC) of PBSSD judge the viability of the proposals and if found apt, projects are sanctioned subsequently. Once sanctioned vide sanction letters, the training providers are assigned work orders for individual batches.
  3. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): While in the above mentioned cases the training is imparted to fresh candidates, in the RPL mode the training is conducted to those people who are working in non-formal ways and without recognition. In RPL mode the Private Training Providers identifies the trainees, sectors & locations and submits projects to PBSSD. A Project Approval and Sanctioning Committee (PASC) of PBSSD judge the viability of the proposals and if found apt, projects are sanctioned subsequently. Once sanctioned vide sanction letters, the training providers are assigned work orders for individual batches.